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ThinLine Contour Western Ranch Round Skirt Pad
ThinLine Contour Western Ranch Round Skirt Pad
Price £269.99 inc VAT

What is ThinLine?

ThinLine is a thin, shock-absorbing non-slip, breathable foam endorsed by surgeons, master saddlers, riders, and veterinarians.

Where is the ThinLine?

It is sewn onto the Contour Western Ranch Fleece Lined saddle pad. It has an open pocket, allowing you to place saddle-fitting shims if needed.

Banner Pressure Relief

For the horse

A raised wither profile with a swallow topline makes this Western contour ranch saddle pad adaptable to the conformation of any horse – high withered or mutton withers. The flexibility and stretchiness of the ThinLine molds around your horse’s shape. The contour of the pad, which follows the natural curve of your horse’s back, stops any bunching.

ThinLine open-cell foam (only 3/16″) with extreme shock absorption delivers comfort for horses. The ThinLine also ventilates, across the pad, allowing excess heat to move out from under the saddle.  Most important to your horse is how this pad creates stability for the rider.  Communication and comfort are a guaranteed result of riding with ThinLine.

For the rider

The slim design puts you in closer contact with your horse, so your leg can easily drape giving you a seamless feel of his sides.  You’ll notice his back moving more,  but with the extraordinary shock absorption of ThinLine, you will be moving in unison with your mount.  The ThinLine layer sewn onto the pad has a 95% shock absorption rate that spreads impact LATERALLY  along the pad. The motion you feel under you as you ride is absorbed by the ThinLine and transferred ACROSS the pad instead of UP into your spine. And this same shock absorption benefit is being enjoyed by your horse as well. With the reduced movement of your seat, your balance is easier to keep so “staying” with your horse becomes second nature. You sit quieter, and he responds with a relaxed, soft back, and freer strides.

Contour Western Ranch Saddle Pad Components and Sizing:

A panel of ThinLine open-cell foam (3/16 inch thick) is sewn to each side of the spine band.  Black synthetic fleece against your horse. Interior felt liner. Tough Cordura fabric on top, leather fenders.

Available Styles: |Round Skirt

Contour Western Ranch Barrel Pad

Shimming for Saddle Fit and Comfort
Full saddle-fitting shims are available when you select your non-slip saddle pad size.  These may be used as-is to double your protection or trimmed into pairs of front, bridging, and rear shims to customize your saddle fit.


The dual benefits of extraordinary shock absorption and rider motion reduction set ThinLine apart from other saddle pads.


How do I know ThinLine is delivering the comfort and protection my horse needs?

Once you receive your Contour Western Ranch Fleece Lined saddle pad, ride in it for at least a week.  At first, you may simply notice things like; “my horse was great today, my seat and aids were soft and effective”, great job! you are on your way.  You will see daily subtle improvements. How to check out your pad’s effectiveness:  After at least a week of daily riding, begin your warm-up with the ThinLine.  After the warm-up, remove the ThinLine and ride.  This is when you will see just how much your horse loves their saddle pad.

saddle pad breathable ventilate


Available in 3 sizes and 11 colors per size
29 x 17.5 round skirt
30 x 30
32 x 32

1/2″ thick

Synthetic Sheepskin Care Instructions

One of the great features of selecting synthetic fleece against your horse; you have incredible softness without the high maintenance of real sheepskin.  So feel free to get sweaty and work hard!  The ThinLine will be ventilating the heat from under your saddle.  This pad may be a bit large for your home washing machine, but it is machine washable with cold water. Use a sheepskin wash for best results. Or brush off daily. A simple hosing will do as well. Your pad comes with a full one year warranty.

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